Custom Registration Form

## Introduction Currently, data capture within Prospectus+ operates on a fixed framework, offering a rigid structure with limited scope for customisation according to the interchangeable needs and preferences of different institutions. This one-size-fits-all approach may not always align with the varied requirements that educational establishments may have, restricting the depth and relevance of the information gathered. We see a future where our customers have the autonomy to define the fields in their data capture forms, tailoring them to help gather the most relevant user insights. ## Description The Custom Registration Form feature is designed to provide a more streamlined and personalised data capture experience. This feature aims to empower Prospectus Plus customers with the flexibility to define and customise the fields in data capture forms according to their specific requirements. ## Considerations **This feature would go hand-in-hand with other features such as: ** * Advisor Mode, allowing institutions greater control over the fields collected by advisors operating in in-person situations. Choose to keep data collection simple and to-the-point or gather more data to empower your marketing later in the cycle. The choice is yours. * Walled Garden Mode. Control the fields collected from your users before they gain access to your prospectus. **Custom Field Types might include:** * Text Fields: For capturing open-ended responses. * Drop-Down Menus: To list predefined options and ensure uniform data input. * Date Fields: For capturing specific dates such as birth dates or anticipated graduation dates. * Checkboxes and Radio Buttons: To facilitate easier and quicker responses from users. **Integration with CRM** In developing this feature, thought should be given to how it will ensure seamless integration with various Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems for efficient data storage and retrieval. **Compliance and Security** * GDPR Compliance: Facilities to remain compliant with data protection regulations by including necessary consent fields. **Usability** * Responsive Design: Forms that are optimised for various devices, providing a consistent user experience on both mobile and desktop platforms. * Preview Mode: Enabling institutions to preview the forms before going live, to ensure they meet the requirements. ## Impact It is envisaged that this feature will provide greater power and flexibility to Prospectus+ customers, allowing them greater levels of insight and filterability within the data collected.