Custom Menu Item

The University of Essex required a custom development that allowed them to add links to various chat services, like Live Chat and Unibuddy, via a dropdown menu. Several other clients have expressed interest in a similar feature. Taking this feedback into account, the proposal is to offer a generalised feature that allows users to create custom menu items and populate them with options within a dropdown. This would allow users to create customised Call-to-Action (CTA) buttons that align with their specific goals. ## User Stories * As a prospectus editor, I want to add custom menu items so that I can directly link to resources or services that are particularly relevant to my organisation. * As a prospectus editor, I want to customise the dropdown options under my custom menu items, so I can provide targeted CTAs to users. ## Acceptance Criteria * Users should be able to create a new custom menu item from the Prospectus Plus interface. * Allow users to populate their custom menu items with a dropdown list of options/links. * Provide a user-friendly interface for setting up and modifying these custom menu items. * Custom menu items and dropdowns should be responsive and work seamlessly across different devices. * Include a tooltip or help section explaining how to set up and utilise the feature. ## Future Enhancements * Add analytics tracking for each custom menu item to gauge its effectiveness. * Allow for more advanced customisation such as different styles or icons for each menu item. ## Risks and Dependencies * Custom menu items should not interfere with the overall layout or design of the prospectus. * Requires thorough testing for compatibility across different devices and browsers.